rrbone provided technical support and the transport network for the demanding real-time drama called “Parallelwelt” by director Kay Voges (premiere September 15th, 2018). A high-performance 10 Gbps DWDM network (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) was used, which was able to connect the Theatre Dortmund to the Theatre “Berliner Ensemble” via two video streams (TICO coding of SMPTE 2110-22 and conversion with Blackmagic Teranex) and 64 audio channels (DANTE) . Ultimately, we were able to achieve a remarkably low latency of below 100 ms with this set-up, so that the 597 km distance between the two venues was not an obstacle. Director Kay Voges was always in close contact with the actors in front of and behind the stage via his own directing channel.